Features Regular donator
Will come soon Extreme donator
Supreme auras
Spirit shields
Primal armour and weapons
How to donate Regular - 2m eoc gp
Extreme - 5m eoc gp
If you have the gold just join the friends chat ''King A Scape'' and talk with him. He will tell you where to meet and you give him the gold. Then, he gives you the donator status and that's it. *
No scamms, don't worry.If you don't have the gold do the following:
Go to this website.http : // www . rsorder . com/rs-gold -
THEY DON'T SCAM ( DON'T WORRY )without the spaces ^* You must have credit/debit card - Paypal - Paysafecard - Skrill - Cellphone (one of those)
You select 10M Eoc GP ( which is the minimum ) or more, if you want for your RS account.
You follow the steps they say.~ They will tell you a place to go (normally world 7 - middle of ge) - It takes about 1-20 minutes.
Once you have the gold go back to the friends chat ''King A Scape'' and talk with him to meet at RS.5. Congratulations, you are now a regular donator or a extreme donator